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Become Aware Of Your Strength

Understand what appreciation of beauty & excellence is all about so you can begin recognizing it in yourself and others.
What is Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence?

Those who express an appreciation of beauty & excellence notice and appreciate beauty, excellence and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience.

People high in Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence are responsive to these three types of goodness:

Physical Beauty.

This may include auditory, tactile or abstract. This type of goodness produces awe and wonder in the person experiencing it.

Skill or Talent (Excellence).

This is often energizing, and compels a person to pursue their own goals. It inspires admiration.

Virtue or moral goodness (moral beauty).

Virtuous goodness makes someone want to be better, more loving and creates feelings of elevation.

Which virtue is this strength?

Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence is a strength within the virtue category of transcendence, one of six virtues that subcategorize the 24 strengths. Transcendence describes strengths that help you connect to the larger universe and provide meaning. The other strengths in Transcendence are appreciation of beauty & excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality.


Explore and Apply Your Strength

Where does Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence appear in your Character Strengths Profile?

Science says exercises focused on increasing appreciation of beauty and excellence have been shown to boost happiness and lower depression, in the short term and possibly beyond. Learn how to activate this strength and all of your other strengths with your personalized Total 24 Report.