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Become Aware Of Your Strength

Understand what bravery is all about so you can begin recognizing it in yourself and others.
What is Bravery?

To be brave is to face your challenges, threats, or difficulties. It involves valuing a goal or conviction and acting upon it, whether popular or not. A central element involves facing – rather than avoiding – fears.

There are three types of bravery (an individual may possess one of these or a combination):

  • Physical bravery (e.g., firefighters, police officers, soldiers)

  • Psychological bravery (e.g., facing painful aspects of oneself)

  • Moral bravery (e.g., speaking up for what's right, even if it's an unfavorable opinion to a group)

Which virtue is this strength?

Bravery is a strength within the virtue category of courage, one of six virtues that subcategorize the 24 strengths. Courage describes strengths that help you exercise your will and face adversity. The other strengths in Courage are braveryhonestyperseverance, and zest.


Explore and Apply Your Strength


Research findings indicate that bravery helps people tolerate the vulnerability that is part of growing close to others, thereby helping in the formation and maintenance of close relationships. Learn how to activate this strength and all of your other strengths with your personalized Total 24 Report.